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Bullet Parking brake (New)


SKU: BB-01 Categories: , ,


We welcome a new style parking brake to go along with the stock one. The Ural parking brakes needs to be adjusted all the time. With the bullet Parking brake you never have to adjust it. This part is super easy to install, And once installed you never have to adjust it again. It is really easy to set and really easy to release. You will never drive away with it on. As soon as you apply the front brake it releases and off you go.

Comes in black or silver. Request color when you order. If you don’t request we will ship black.

Bullet Brake is the best, cheapest insurance you’ll ever buy to prevent your bike from rolling away. Save thousands of dollars in damages to your beautiful ride, while keeping your bike right where you left it. Installation is simple.

Here is a Youtube video of how to install. This product needs to be on every Ural motorcycle.

Bullet Brake – Installation and Usage Instruction – Combined

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
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